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Our ParentLife Ministry offers engaging year-round classes on various topics to help guide you through the day-to-day challenges of parenting.


One-time events and workshops at Mount Pisgah for parents are developed to help you deal with very specific and challenging issues that you will, or already are facing.


The Parent Library offers many resources that will help you more than you can imagine. Going through a tough phase in your child's life? Let us help!

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6


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JAN. 12, 2025


Begins January 12, 2025 | 9:30 - 10:30 AM | $65


Confirmation is an exciting time in the lives of our families with students. Offered every Spring for all middle and high school students in an eight-week Sunday morning class.  Confirmation challenges students and their parents to examine the basics of their faith and make or recommit to a lifelong commitment to Christ.  Some topics to be covered are:  God, Sin, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Grace, the Bible, Practices of the Faith, the Church and Service. At the end of the eight weeks, students and their family members will have the opportunity to be baptized and confirmed, becoming members of the Mount Pisgah.


Parents meet for their own class (while their students are in class) for fellowship and to learn/or review the basics of the Christian faith from a personal and parenting perspective.  Parents will be encouraged and equipped to have meaningful discussions about life and faith with their students outside of class time and engage in weekly discussion about how God uses this crazy ride called parenting to sharpen and deepen our own faith.


Confirmation gives students and parents the opportunity to:


·       Examine the basics of their faith and make (or grow in) a lifelong commitment to Christ

·       Have time to connect with and deepen relationships with peers and leaders

·       Grow their faith through discussion, introspection and fun activities

·       Be baptized and become a member of the church

·       Have intentional, meaningful conversations about their faith at home



2025 Class Schedule:

Jan. 12th - Kickoff
Jan. 19- Class 1 - God
Jan. 26 - Class 2 - Sin
Feb 2  - Class 3 - Jesus
Feb. 9 - Class 4 - Holy Spirit
Feb. 15 - no Class
Feb 23 - Class 5 Grace
March 2- - Class 6 Practices
Mar 9 - Class 7 - The Church

Mar. 14 - Student Celebration (mandatory - no makeup) 4 - 8PM
Mar 30 - Confirmation Service


Registration to open in August!

to April
SUNDAY Night ClassES

5:30-6:30 Room S214
August 18- October 27

Parents will learn how to navigate the emotional weight of children and explore sharing skills to connect to them in crisis. We will be reading Seen by Dr. Chinwe before her visit on September 11. This parent class takes place the same time as Student Life small groups and is a great way to get to know other parents in the church!

Weekly classes ON wednesday Mornings
Mom's Fellowship Group

January - May on Wednesday Mornings

Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. / Room S214 North Campus 

Leader: Beverly Johnson


An open and ongoing Bible Study for moms who support, encourage and grow together in their faith journeys.  Looking to God’s Word for guidance through the ups and downs of parenting and marriage, this group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month to study and on the second Wednesday to serve others.  Loving child care is provided by reservation by email 


We also meet on the 4th Thursday of every month for a mom’s night out dinner. All are welcome.

Weekly Classes ON Wednesday evenings
to April
Wednesday Night ClassES

January - May

6:15-7:30 Room S214

Wednesday night classes are ongoing and offered on North Campus in conjunction with Nursery, Children’s Ministry Collide and Student Life Programs.  Registration is required for children in the Collide program through Children’s Ministry but not for the Nursery, Student Life or Parent programs.

Every Wednesday this fall we will tackle a new topic that parents of all ages struggle with and will have tips towards connecting to your child for a better relationship with you and God. From technology to better communication and mental health, we will help equip you to engage with your family in a way that aligns with your faith. Just bring your self and bring another parent into the conversation!

Saturday, FEB. 22, 2025

Mount Pisgah, join us and volunteer to love on our local Foster Families during our Pisgah Foster's Parents' Day Out! This is an afternoon break for Foster parents and an opportunity for lots of FUN for kiddos as we play games and lead them in activities! All volunteers are required to have a background check and safe sanctuary training. Questions? Please email


If you cannot volunteer that day, we still need Mount Pisgah families to help us Fill the Freezer full of meals made with love that we will gift to these Foster families during the Parent's Day Out event or during their time of need. Please sign-up to help using the links below!


Register Here:

Parents Day Out Child Participation Registration  

Mount Pisgah Volunteer Registration 

Fill the Freezer Volunteer Registration  

Thank you for helping Pisgah Fosters Love God & Love People!

Ongoing Resources
All Year
Pisgah Fosters
Fill the Freezer for Foster Families

Whether by yourself or with your family or a group of your choice, help us fill our freezer with meals prepared and packaged in your kitchen, with your ingredients with recipes and supplies we will provide from the Loaves and Fishes ministry that is a part of Pisgah Fosters. These meals will provide support and love to foster families in our community.


For more information and instructions, please contact Rachel Campbell at

All Year
Parent RESOURCE Library 


Choose from hundreds of titles from a parenting resource library including books, DVDs, and CDs. Topics available cover a wide range of topics including praying scripture for your child, adjusting to the new role of parents, life skills for preschoolers, instilling Biblical character traits, teaching children about the sacraments, discovering your and your child’s love language, setting boundaries, having “the talk”, transitioning to middle school, parent confirmation, staying calm in discipline, the challenges, and blessings of technology, youth entitlement, awareness of alcohol and drug abuse, anxiety, and depression in children and adolescents, money management, preparing for college and the admissions process, praying for adult children, preparing for an empty nest, embracing grandparenting, and more.

Contact Beverly Johnson to make an appointment to stop by and peruse the titles.  Resources may be checked out for up to two weeks at a time and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

All Year
One-on-One Support


God is not asking you to navigate the roller coaster of parenting alone. Jenny Bramel is available (upon request) to listen, encourage and support you with any questions or challenges along your parenting journey- there is no stage too early or too late, no issue too big or too small. Contact Beverly to set a meeting.

NOTICE: If programs are updated or canceled due to weather, we will send out email communication and update our website.

Mom Wed Morning
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