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Dancing Women

Our DiscipleLife Ministry offers year-round classes on various topics to help grow you to a closer relationship with God as women of faith.


We have a number of wonderful events planned for this year and beyond. Fun, fellowship, and God. What more could you ask for?

Empiece a los niños por el camino que deben seguir, e incluso cuando sean mayores no se apartarán de él ".

- Proverbios 22: 6


A través del apoyo y el estímulo, equipamos a los padres de niños de todas las edades y etapas para que sean el Plan A de Dios para el desarrollo espiritual de sus hijos.  Guiamos a los padres a través de temas de la vida real con una perspectiva bíblica y proporcionamos cuidado pastoral y herramientas prácticas para el viaje de los padres.

Programas semanales - miércoles por la mañana
Reuniones informales de verano

Tuesdays | 7:30 PM 

Currently studying the Book of John

Will be studying the Book of Revelation beginning in the Fall of 2024

A women's group with a student program as well. You do not have to have children in order to register for this class.

  • Women's Groups

    Women today face a multitude of challenges, including struggles with insecurity, broken relationships, guilt, overwork or loneliness. Countless women have found peace, comfort, hope, security and answers to life's big questions by exploring God's Word. As a group member, you will personally study Scripture and answer questions each day. Once a week, you will meet for a small-group discussion of the lesson, hear from a teaching leader how the truths of Scripture can be applied to daily life and receive comprehensive notes on the Scripture passages you studied.

  • School Children (5-18)

    Taught by loving, well-trained and committed leaders in a secure environment, the BSF Student Program is a structured, engaging learning experience that challenges students to discover what Scripture means and how they can apply it to their everyday lives. Students investigate the same Scripture as adults, giving them the context and framework to have spiritual conversations both at home and with their friends.

Reuniones informales de verano
Wednesday women

Wednesday | 9:30 - 11:00 AM | Room S305
June 5 - July 31 (taking July 3rd off)

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer


How to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world.


Books can be purchased on:



Reuniones informales de verano
Grupo de compañerismo de mamá

9: 30-11: 30 AM | Habitación 214 | Reanudará las reuniones y el estudio bíblico en septiembre.

Un grupo de estudio, servicio y apoyo bíblico abierto y continuo para mamás de bebés y niños.

Aunque no tendremos reuniones formales en el lugar este verano, continuaremos manteniéndonos en contacto y conectándonos para reuniones informales de juego en varios lugares y Mom-Nights-Out para cenar, brindar apoyo y conversar con adultos.  Póngase en contacto con Jenny Bramel para conectarse con nosotros este verano.

Nos reunimos los primeros 3 miércoles de cada mes durante el año escolar para apoyar, alentar y crecer juntos en su viaje de fe y su papel como madres imperfectas y amorosas.  Buscamos la Palabra de Dios en busca de guía a través de los altibajos de la paternidad y el matrimonio.  Cuidado de niños cariñoso proporcionado con reservaciones. Envíe un correo electrónico a

Reuniones informales de verano

BTCL is Bible Training for Church Leaders. What is a Church Leader? It's you, and me, and us...all of us in the Body of Christ who have influence in our circle of relationships in the church and in the world. BTCL is training and instruction through the Word of God so the believer can correctly handle what God has said. We study the Word to know God, His truth, His ways, and to teach each other. It has the same foundation as good Bible college or seminary without the tests or papers! Our curriculum is based on what God's Word says so that we can stand firm on Who we believe according to the Father, Son and Hoy Spirit. 

Starting in August 2024, the class will cover five sequential courses over three academic years:

1. Bible Study Methods'

2. Old Testament Survey

3. New Testament Survey

4. Bible Doctrine

5. Personal Spiritual Life/Church Ministry

For more information, contact Pat Thomas at

Reuniones informales de verano
Lunch Bunch

Last Wednesday of each Month* | 11:30 am | Marlow's Tavern @ Old Alabama & Jones Bridge
*We meet every month except December

Join us for a casual drop in lunch with friends and fellowship. No registration is needed so come as you are when you can. Our group is usually seated on the patio so bring a jacket as needed. 

Reuniones informales de verano

April 21, 2024 from 3:30-5:00 PM in the Gathering Area

Mount Pisgah Women's and Family Life Ministries invite you to join us for a cookie decorating class with Baylee Bakes. All cookie decorators invited! $30 per person / $25 for each additional guest

Lunch Bunch
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