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Universidad de la paz financiera

Domingos 12 de septiembre - 7 de noviembre |   3: 00-5: 00 PM | Habitación 142 | Líder / Entrenador: Bob Ginty


Financial Peace University es un curso de nueve lecciones que ayuda a ganar dinero simplemente al brindarle un plan comprobado que realmente puede seguir. Vuelve a la manera en que Dios y la abuela manejan el dinero, las formas simples y de sentido común, para que pueda hacer que su dinero trabaje para usted, estar libre de deudas y cambiar su vida para siempre.


Financial Peace University le enseña el plan paso a paso probado para lograr un progreso real con sus finanzas. Ahorrará más dinero, saldará sus deudas rápidamente, luego invertirá y planificará su futuro. A este plan lo llamamos los 7 pasos del bebé. Millones de personas han seguido estos pasos y han cambiado sus vidas. Pero no es magia, simplemente funciona.


Where should I park?
For families with young children we recommend parking in the back parking lot from the Old Alabama Road entrance manned by traffic officers each Sunday morning. You will see a pedestrian bridge from the parking lot to the church entrance. There is reserved young family parking by the Underground amphitheater below the bridge as well as handicapped parking for those who may need it. 

Our Children's Ministry & Nursery Teams are directly through the doors on the lower level and are ready to receive your family! 

If you need access to the elevator for anyone with limited mobility, the elevator will be just inside the doors on your right.

You can also park at the font of the church by accessing our parking lot from the traffic light on Old Alabama by the Summit Counseling Center. There is reserved parking for Guests and Seniors right up front as well as additional handicap parking along the front driveway. A large handicap access ramp is to the left of the front stairs by our baptismal pool.

What time is worship?

We have three worship services each Sunday.

*Our 9:30 service is a more traditionally styled service with choir and orchestra as well as communion offered every Sunday. Mount Pisgah is an open table so all are welcome to participate in communion.

*Our 11:00 service is a more contemporary styled service with a praise team leading worship. Communion is offered quarterly.

*Also at 11:00 is our Mount Pisgah in Spanish worship in the Underground Auditorium. It is best accessed from the back parking lot and the walkway to the right of the bridge.

What about nursery, children and students?

We have vibrant programs for all ages and invite your entire family to join us! Check out what's going on by clicking the links below:

MP Kids Jr (Nursery and Pre-School)

MP Kids (Kindergarten - 5h Grade)

When should I arrive?

We encourage you to arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to worship on your first visit. We would LOVE to meet you, so please stop by the welcome desk just inside the front doors and introduce yourself to our team! If you have children to check in for Children's or Nursery programming this will allow you plenty of time to get them settled in and still have time for coffee in the Gathering Area.

Welcome to Mount Pisgah! We are glad you are here!

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