Pisgah Fosters Parents' Day Out
Saturday, February 24, 2024 | 9:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Mount Pisgah, join us and volunteer to love on our local Foster Families during our Pisgah Foster's Parents' Day Out! This is an afternoon break for Foster parents and an opportunity for lots of FUN for kiddos as we play games and lead them in activities! All volunteers are required to have a background check and safe sanctuary training. Questions? Please email pisgahfosters@mountpisgah.org
If you cannot volunteer that day, we still need Mount Pisgah families to help us Fill the Freezer full of meals made with love that we will gift to these Foster families during the Parent's Day Out event or during their time of need. Please sign-up to help using the links below!
Register Here:
Parents Day Out Child Participation Registration
Mount Pisgah Volunteer Registration
Fill the Freezer Volunteer Registration
Thank you for helping Pisgah Fosters Love God & Love People!